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Student Gallery

Thru Our Eyes  (9 × 11.5 in).jpg
2021-2022 PhotoVoice Book.png
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Sick S.jpg

"Thru Our Eyes"
A PhotoVoice / Sound It Out Project


PhotoVoice is done to gauge youths' perception on substance use through the use of photographs, drawings and paintings. 

Sound It Out

"Sound It Out" allows students to be able to choose from spoken word, poetry or music as another way to express themselves about the topic. 

Purpose of PhotoVoice/Sound It Out

Through these mediums, youth share their voice on how substance use has affected their community and express the change they want to see. At the end of the project, their work is showcased to the community through various outlets in hopes to bring about the change they want to see.

For more information, please email

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